Thank you Melissa for giving me the best birthday gift! I cannot explain how happy it made me to reconnect with my beloved Abbey. It made me cry - tears of happiness and relief that my little girl was well, and although physically gone, was still with me in heart and spirit. You have a wonderful gift of reconnecting lost loved ones, and providing accurate information in helping to strengthen the human-animal bond. You made my day and helped me to begin the process of healing my broken heart. Kids fids and other things Thank you Melissa for the abundance of information. Your gave me hope in the raising of this cat, which in deed seems to be what I am doing. And confirmed my suspicions that he was not with his Mom very long. The kneading of his paws and sucking on I came across an ad on craigslist leading me to Melissa's website. My cat Tarzan had recently passed away and I was having a very hard time with it and decided to give it a shot. Melissa was I still cant thank you enough for the insight on Denali. We r getting closer he dont run from me when i try to catch him now. He just wants hugs and love. P.S he loves his bacon strips. Just like men win their love thru food. LOL. It has been great bonding I am so very thankful that I found Melissa. I first used her services for animal communication and she immediately blew me away - the things she knew and said to me with no prior knowledge. It was an amazing experience and it really helped to answer some of my questions about a horse that I have been trying to rehab. Hi Melissa, Big big Thank you Melissa for helping ,for helping me come to terms with Spikeys passing. The pain of losing him will always be there but thanks to you I know that I will be with him again one day. Melissa, Just wanted to share an amazing beloved Spikey passed away very suddenly and ive found it very hard to come to terms with his passing. My doggy Nosy was Spikeys best friend and refused to come near the bed we shared or even sit nearby. It was very distressing. I asked melissa for help and it was amazing. But the most Thank you so much Melissa for helping me in a time of distress! I sent a panicked message to Melissa asking her to pray for me - my blind hen Helen was missing and it was almost nighttime. I didn't know if she was dead or alive. If she was still alive, I didn't want her to be alone at night with predators around. Melissa dropped everything to help reassure me that Helen was indeed alive. She was lost, scared and cold - but alive! Melissa asked her animal spirit guides to protect Helen overnight until I could look for her in the morning. The animal spirits showed Melissa where Helen was located since Helen couldn't see to describe her location. They also told Melissa that they would help guide me to find Helen in the morning if I asked for their assistance. I found Helen the next day in almost the exact spot that Melissa had described. Helen had fallen over a steep gulch and had entangled herself in some tree roots. Helen had somehow managed to free herself from the roots and walked out into the open. I asked the animal spirit guides to help guide me to Helen. True to their word, the spirit guides helped me to locate her. Melissa was so accurate in the description of Helen's location that I managed to climb down the side of the gulch, locate Helen and climb back up to the top with my scared girl in less than 30 minutes. Finding a small brown hen in a tangle of trees, roots, leaves and foliage is not an easy task, especially when her coloration was meant to help her blend into the ground and plants. Without Melissa's help, who knows how long I would have been down there searching for her? Melissa Sibio has a special gift of communicating with the animals. She has helped and reassured me on numerous occasions - I think that she has met almost my entire animal family, lol. Melissa is also kind, compassionate and empathetic towards the needs and feelings of the human asking for her help. She is a wonderful person with a beautiful heart - someone that I feel honored and blessed to call my friend. I really enjoyed by talk with Melissa last night. She gave me ALOT of insight on my new rescue and what he needs and wants. I think we became even closer today ♥ He is a sweetheart of a boy and actually done a few things I asked of him. 🙂 Thank you so much I wanted to give a review on my recent session with Melissa! My name is Brian Del Piano, I am a 27 year veteran in Freelance Earlier this year, I had Melissa do some readings I contacted Melissa, Though I was skeptical, Because I wanted I hired Melissa to communicate with my animals "If you need to communicate with your animals then Melissa is the right person to call. I had a great experience working with her. I know you will too!!" I hired Melissa to communicate with my animal family. She was very kind and considerate, and knowledgeable and provided me
Thank you so very much again!
Within a day of our session, I had been hanging out with Nani and I
was putting her back in her cage for the night. We had been having a
GREAT time. Dancing etc. I held her up as I was putting her back;
cupping her around her chest and supporting her back, wings and thorax basically like you had "seen". Of course she pitches a wholly bitch. I looked at her and I calmly reassured her that "I Had Her" that she was ok and safe that I wasn't going to drop her and that didn't she say that "we" she and I could take baby steps and work together she with me and I with her? She looked at me and said "Okay Honey" and STOPPED fussing and no struggling!!!! Can u believe it?
Been working on Pewter the cat's likely allergy issues.
Changed food to sensitive stomach and sensitive skin formula. lesions are clearing up. Cleaning the porous one with hydrogen peroxide and then applying sulfadene cream, which she seems to find soothing. Lil Bear, the chi terrier mx, being the official taste tester of all things bodyfunction related including several unmentionables, has volunteered his services to be the official dog saliva as healing therapy assistant.Remember, this is the dog that she found rather "distasteful". Pewter is now spending MUCH more time in bed and taking her rightful position next to my head on at least 2-3 times per week night. In fact, she has actually come in during the day and lain on the bed and swatted Lil Bear into place as needed!!!!!
Soliel, my little sun conure whom I had neglected somewhat,having
indicated his resentment: I am commiting dedicated time just for him
only everyday. He has stopped nipping like he was and has become,
almost the sweetest little boy that he was when I first brought him
home. He seems to know that I am taking all the time in the world to
make up to him and he is not being at all resistant. I am getting
sweet yawns of affection and he letting me scratch and pet his whole
body. He even gave kisses to my partner. !!! BTW--- she still has her
Ms. Chula, the patagonian conure, who indicated that she had a lot tolearn but felt that she is indeed a smart bird, has been enjoying
exploring new territories in the house. Clicker training is going
well. We are flying now!!!! BIG Gurl!!! I am working with Starr,
my partner, too be more confident in handling the birds. I "left"
Chula in the BR with her while I went off to the
bathroom and to complete some other quick chores. Chula, of course, has immediate anxiety not seeing me. I felt that haveing
Starr "rescue" her and give her loving would be positive reinforcement for them both. Starr even cleaned up bird poop and said "oh, well" What? She continues to enjoy the great treats as part of her training.
Pet massage specifically equine and Chief. I have identified that for
my birthday I want to go horse massaging and horseback riding... I
have on order from the gospel on equine massage which I had intially referred to when I got to practice on the horse as partof my intitial training. I am looking forward to seeing where Chief leads, guides my heart and hands regarding the horse that I need andwho needs me. Chief is Nancy's horse from childhood, come back to guide her on her journey.
Have enjoyed Pepe` the ferret in my bed too. Dooking little war dance,
which you didn't know about as a ferret behavior, further affirmation of spiritual connection.
My mother sends her best....
Again, your patientience
with the collective "us" was pretty amazing. Thank you, Nancy
my comforter when I go to bed at night. He will never be a lap cat, but he can be very sweet, when he is in the mood. I was amazed that you picked up on Cali and she conveyed to you the fact that she had recent accidents! I cleaned up two of them last night, and another this morning. Ugh. Turbo is an old man, and I know you could tell that we are watching him like a hawk. I will add to his food (I'll start feeding him in the evenings now) some kind of antacid. He is 92 pounds and sometimes thinks he is a lapdog. He puts his head in my lap and wants to be scratched.
You have an amazing talent. Thank you for sharing that talent with me, and my animals...I will keep you posted on my animal family.
very sweet and offered an email reading or reading by phone. I'd always heard about the fakes out there using your responses or "reading" your voice to lead them into what they are saying so I decided an email reading would ensure that this couldnt happen. Melissa asked for very minimal information and said it was
to make sure nothing I said influenced her reading. I sent the information requested (name, picture, age, and time he lived with me) along with some very general questions so that I wouldn't "give anything away". The information Melissa was able to provide after speaking with Tarzan (because I KNOW she spoke
with him) was astounding. There is no possible way, from the little information and picture I gave, that Melissa could have known. Not only personality traits but items in the previous home he lived in before coming to us, issues with his medicine that no one but my husband and I knew (no one knew Tarzan was on medication and this issue had nothing to do with his death). I decided to do a second reading for my other cat Sookie and again, she was able to come back to me with information about her there is no way she could have known unless she had actually spoken with my cat. I believe Melissa is the real thing and I highly recommend her. I've already mentioned it to friends and family who will be getting their own readings done. I promise you, you will not regret letting Melissa speak with your fur babies. Thank you Melissa for the peace you have brought me with Tarzan and for helping us with Sookie. Based on your
conversation with her we are already working on helping her and we can already see a difference. Thank you so much! -
And then the next morning after my horse received his distant Reiki, his energy and happiness was very apparent. And of course, there was no placebo affect with him! So I then used Melissa for distant Reiki healing for myself. And I can honestly say I felt the change in my energy and have been going on that way for a few weeks now. I am so grateful that she shares her gifts with others.
If you have been considering doing this, I want to say that Melissa is the real deal. She is the one who can help you. So don't be afraid to try it! ☺️
Lauri Hewett
I just wanted to write and update you on how things are going in our little
Things have definitely been more peaceful since we talked! There’s still some fighting going on, but not nearly as much as before. It also seems as though verbal reminders, “she doesn’t want to play,” or “he’s just trying to play, stop being such a grumpus” are actually heard and understood. LOL
We also found a new name for the kitty-formerly-known-as-Zilly. *grins*
My husband and I went out for dinner after you and I talked. We began tossing names around... the final winner... “Captain ZoomZoom Chaos, the Marquis de Mouser.” He responds VERY favorably (and consistently) to Zoomie, or ZoomZoom,
or even ZillyZoom. LOL He also seems to like it when I play the “Zoom Zoom Zoom” song from the old Mazda commercials *laughing hard*
Gizzy is definitely less stressed out. She’s not so twitchy and jumpy,
and even when he bugs her when she’s eating, she yowls at him and then goes back to nomming when he runs off.
Bella, while still acting as something of a peacemaker/source of balance, seems to have really come into her own. She’s playing with toys much more than she was, and she’s definitely giving as good as she gets when it comes to playing/fighting with Zoomie. In just the last few days we’ve seen some indication that she might like to cuddle with him and he might like to cuddle with her, but they haven’t yet come to an agreement on that... I expect to see cuddling/grooming in the future, though. Gizzy and Bella seem more comfortable
with each other as well... Bella gives Gizzy a respectful berth most of the time, but there’s very little growling (from Gizzy... there’s never any from Bella) even when they’re close together.
Just to give you an idea of the progress... I’m sitting on the love seat
right now. Gizzy is on the cushion behind me, up near the back of my head. Zoomie is laying on the seat beside me. He and Gizzy are no more than 2.5 feet apart... neither cares... they’re both snoozing happily, even though they know where the other is.
Suffice it to say, we’re thrilled... and I’ve been singing your praises to
several other fur-moms & dads I know. LOL
We really can’t thank you enough for helping us to communicate with our kids. The difference in their attitudes was immediately apparent in the days following our call.
Best wishes,
When I got your email, I was completely floored! I felt a deeper
connection with Puck than I ever had before. He told you things that nobody would have known except me! You are an exceptional woman - keep doing what you're doing, giving a voice to the animals. I commend you!
amazing part was that melissa told me Nosy now felt she had to take greater care of me now Spikey had left and protect me more. Today, i was in the garden when Nosy launched herself at me, knocked me over, barked and barked then I saw a huge Cobra had been under my chair. Nosy grabbed it...God only knows how, and flung it away where all my others joined in. Without Nosy I dont know what would have happened. She truly did what she promised melissa she would do by never moving from my side . And the Cobra never bit any of them!! How great is that. Melissa was right 100% .
Melissa Sibio
I wanted to communicate with my dog, Tito and horse, Kiddie. I needed to explain to them my recent big life change and move. That I haven't abandoned them and will be bringing them to Miami as soon as I can. I decided to contact Melissa Sibio of Waterfall Reiki and Animal Talk and I couldn't have been happier with our session! The things my horse and dog told me made me laugh and cry and there's no way she could have made some of the stuff up.
For instance, Tito told her that he wanted to ride a horse. I told her I had put him on my horse before and he seemed like he wanted nothing to do with it. He told her that he "thought it seemed interesting and wanted to practice." Evidence in the video shows one happy and relaxed doggo riding around.
Now, the one piece from the session that completely convinced me is that Kiddie told her that she really liked her udders and between her back legs clean. That made zero sense to me considering I hadn't been home to wash her in a few weeks. But after talking to the farm owner, turns out she had been washed the day before and specifically her udders. It was just too specific to be simply coincidental. She also told her that her tail hurt, and today I found sores and a tick. Again, completely convinced.
So if anyone is thinking about getting something like this done, then I highly recommend Melissa. She has reasonable rates and really worked around my crazy schedule to get me in asap. It only takes a phone call! Thank you Melissa!
Writing/Journalism.While perusing the classified ad's on the website Craig's List, I came across a headline that read "Animal Telepathy".
I was intrigued with this concept, and decided to give Melissa Sibio owner of Heavenly Hooves Animal Connections a try. My first thought was which of our 5 dogs, 4 bearded dragons, or our cat Lucy should be read? My second thought was it's $25.00 out of the allowance my wife gives me, I guess I can risk throwing it away if this woman is a crackpot! (and my wife would NEVER know! )
I chose our bearded dragon "Jolene". I adopted Jolene when she
was only 3 months old. Jolene was hatched out of her egg with a neurological disorder. Melissa requires that you send her a photo of the animal to be read, and if you have any questions for the animal, to include those as well. I didn't want to give Melissa to much information. I was very general. I wanted to see
just how good this woman was.
Mrs. Sibio gives her clients the option of doing a telephone
reading, or keeping all correspondence through email. I chose the telephone. I wanted to record our sessions so I could listen to the playback at my leisure. I called Mrs. Sibio, and I had chosen to have "Jolene" in the room with me. (not required.)
Melissa was very welcoming and personable over the phone. When
the reading began, I was skeptical, and then I decided to open my mind and my heart, and really try to go with this. I was ASTOUNDED at what Melissa was conveying, not only through Jolene, but also through her sister Valerie Rose who had passed away last October. Melissa had no clue as to what kind of enclosure Jolene was in, yet she nailed it. Melissa had NO CLUE as to a nickname that I
gave for a certain toy of Jolene's, yet she said it twice in conversation. I was literally left with my mouth agape. The reading was very emotional for me. I never told this to Melissa, and I never let on just how emotional it was.
Since that reading I booked two more sessions. Melissa read our
cat Lucy, and our Bearded Dragon Daisy. Again I say, I was left completely full inside knowing that this woman is not only for real, but she is a sincerely "good" soul who is a true conduit to the inner workings of the animal mind. No one can deny that Mrs. Sibio is a talented and gifted woman. My wife and I have seen first hand just how special this woman is.
I will tell you this. If you go into this thinking "I am going to trip her up" or "I am going to test her"......DON'T. I say this
because if you don't open your mind, heart and soul to this you WILL NOT get ANYTHING from it. You will be so concentrated on doubt, and skepticism that you won't "hear" what Ms. Sebo is conveying.
If something doesn't make sense, or if you think she is way off
the mark on something, I ask that you make a note of those things and then truly think about them after the reading. Some of the things that Melissa may say or touch on may be from a pet that has passed on, or another pet you have. Don't be so quick to judge, give her a fair shot. I PROMISE you will NOT be sorry!
Thank You For Your Time And Consideration,
for me on a few of my animals. I gave her some questions to ask them, none too specific, you know, not wanting to "give away the answers". Well, I can tell you the answers she got were quite specific and spot on! When she related in exact detail a very spectacular fall my horse had some years ago in the pasture that only I witnessed and told only my husband and the equine chiropractor about, it proved beyond a shadow of doubt she was truly communicating with him. She also
relayed specific information about pain he was having in his right front leg, which I knew about, but had asked only if he was in pain. Melissa has a true gift and she gave me valuable information to help my animals. Thank you, Melissa!"
some closure with a dog I once had who had passed. She then told me things about my dog that she could not have possibly known. I believe she is truely gifted and I cannot stress enough how helpful she was to me. She brought me comfort about the situation and it brought tears to my eyes. This dog was my best friend
and I felt that I had let him down when he passed. She gave me details about my relationship with my dog that only him or I could have told her and I didn't tell her. I will be contacting her again and I recommend anybody in need of help with their animal does the same.
Thank You so much Melissa. I can never
Thank You enough for the comfort you gave me.
P.S. Tell Kane I love and
Miss him very much.
Thank you,
with information that was accurate and comforting. If you want to communicate with your animal friends I recommend giving Melissa a call."
Thank you,