Animal Communicator, Reiki Master, Melissa Sibio has spent her life’s journey helping the animal friends. As an animal communicator / pet psychic, Melissa is dedicated to assisting animals and their humans to bridge the gap so often present between them. Melissa specializes in a soul connection and communication with dogs, cats, birds, horses, rabbits and all living and passed on animal family members; however all species of animals are more than welcome.
Some situations that would need my animal communication services would be:
- behavior problems
- emotional issues
- physical issues; including pain, illness, etc.
Each animal and situation is unique in its own way. Animals are truly amazing living, breathing, intelligent beings who have thoughts and feelings well beyond human understanding. They have wants, needs, and favorite things they enjoy; whether it be toys, games, walks, favorite colors, etc. They also have purposes in life while they are here with us and after death.
To learn more about telepathic animal communication and pet psychic work, please continue to “Animal Communication/Telepathy.”